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Essential Parenting Tips for Raising a Special Needs Child


Are you feeling bewildered about how to care for and raise your child with special needs? Parenting a child with unique abilities is as demanding as it is rewarding, often stretching parents to seek out new skills and strategies to nurture their child effectively. This article provides practical and helpful parenting tips for your special needs child to help you understand their unique perspective, provide them with an environment that supports their growth, and celebrate their unique abilities.

Every child is different; those with special needs may have physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral conditions – or a combination. These variables mean that the parenting journey is distinctive for each family, requiring a tailored approach. The first hurdle can be understanding your child’s unique needs and how best to support them. There can also be a struggle to balance the direct care for your child with your own self-care, given the time and energy that the former demands.

As daunting as it may seem, remember, “knowing is half the battle”. By understanding their unique needs and challenges, you can better communicate and find effective solutions for them. Here’s a quick snapshot of what we’ll cover:

  • Understanding your child’s specific needs and abilities
  • Nurturing your child’s development
  • Creating a supportive environment
  • Practical strategies for everyday challenges
  • Accessing resources and advocating for your child
  • Taking care of yourself as a parent

Infographic of parenting tips for special needs child - parenting tips for special needs child infographic pillar-4-steps

At AWC Behavioral Health, we understand that parents and caregivers play a vital role in the intervention and success of their kids’ journey. We’re here to help you build a set of effective techniques and strategies through our specialized parent training programs. Moreover, these learnings extend the benefits of therapy from clinical settings into the home environment, setting the stage for successful outcomes.

The road might seem tough, but let us assure you, you’re not alone. With the right information, support, and strategies in place, you can positively shape your child’s future. Let’s embark on this journey together towards creating a brighter, more secure future for your child.

Understanding Your Child’s Specific Needs and Abilities

As we navigate this journey together, the first step is understanding your child’s specific needs and abilities. This involves focusing more on their abilities rather than their disability, learning about their specific condition, and understanding effective ways to communicate with them, both verbally and non-verbally.

Focusing on Your Child’s Abilities Rather Than Their Disability

Every child, including those with special needs, has unique strengths. It could be their artistic flair, motor skills, or even their personality traits. As Professor Maurine Samms-Vaughan advised in her Mini Parenting Master Class, “Focus on what children can do, their abilities, rather than their disability.” Our aim at AWC Behavioral Health is to leverage these strengths and abilities to help your child overcome their challenges.

Learning About Your Child’s Disability

One of the most essential parenting tips for a special needs child is to learn about their specific disability. This understanding will not only alleviate some of the frustrations you might feel, but it will also allow you to see the world from your child’s perspective. Utilize resources like doctors, therapists, and school counselors to gain insight into your child’s condition. We also offer specialized parent training to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to support your child effectively.

Communicating with Your Child: Verbal and Non-Verbal

Communication is a fundamental aspect of understanding and supporting your child’s needs. Some children with disabilities might be able to speak with you, while others might communicate through non-verbal cues, such as smiles, laughter, crying, or facial expressions. As Professor Samms-Vaughan pointed out, children with disabilities, much like newborn babies, communicate their likes and dislikes through these non-verbal cues.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we believe that every child has the potential to thrive when given the right support and understanding. We’ll delve into nurturing your child’s development, creating a supportive environment, and providing practical strategies for everyday challenges. Together, we can empower your child to reach their full potential.

Nurturing Your Child’s Development

Raising a child with special needs requires a unique approach that focuses on their strengths and capabilities while also addressing their challenges. By fostering brain development through everyday activities, prioritizing breastfeeding when possible, and encouraging independence and decision-making, we can contribute significantly to our child’s growth and development.

Stimulating Brain Development Through Everyday Activities and Play

Children, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, are stimulated by everything in their environment. Sounds, interactions, smiles, all these can serve as catalysts for your child’s brain development. At AWC Behavioral Health, we believe that incorporating your child into your daily routines can provide them with rich learning opportunities. As you move about the house, explain what you’re doing in simple language. This could be anything from washing dishes to folding laundry. This not only stimulates their brain but also creates a strong bond between you and your child.

Play is another powerful tool for stimulating your child’s brain development. Simple, homemade toys like bottles filled with stones or colorful ribbons can engage your child’s senses and spark their curiosity. The goal is not just to keep them entertained, but also to encourage their interaction with the world around them.

The Importance of Breastfeeding for Children with Disabilities

Breastfeeding holds immense benefits for all children, but it’s especially crucial for children with disabilities. It supports their growth, nutrition, and brain development. Even if direct breastfeeding isn’t possible, feeding expressed breast milk can still provide your child with these vital nutrients. Consult with a healthcare provider to make sure you’re meeting your child’s unique nutritional needs.

Encouraging Independence and Decision Making

One of the most vital parenting tips for raising a special needs child is to foster their sense of independence. This not only involves teaching them practical skills like toilet training but also encouraging them to make decisions for themselves. Whether it’s choosing what clothes to wear or deciding which activity to do next, giving your child the freedom to make choices can boost their confidence and self-esteem.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we use evidence-based strategies and positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desirable behaviors. When children are rewarded for their efforts, they are more likely to repeat and master these skills, leading to greater independence.

Nurturing your child’s development is an ongoing journey. Every child is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. The key is to remain patient, flexible, and open to new strategies. By doing so, you’ll not only help your child grow but also create a loving and supportive environment where they can thrive.

Creating a Supportive Environment

In this fulfilling journey of raising a special needs child, one of the most important parenting tips is to create an environment that’s both loving and supportive. It’s about fostering an atmosphere of acceptance, respect, and encouragement that nurtures your child’s growth and development.

Providing a Loving and Supportive Environment

The environment you create for your child can significantly affect their mental and emotional well-being. Research emphasizes the importance of providing a loving environment for children with disabilities. As Maureen Samms-Vaughan, Professor of Child Health, Child Development and Behavior at the University of West Indies in Jamaica, attests, “Children who are shown warmth and love grow up to be loving, warm persons” (Unicef).

Your child’s behavior is a reflection of their internal struggles and not something to judge them by. Approach them with patience, understanding, and compassion. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and reassure them that it’s okay to make mistakes.

Involving Other Family Members in Your Child’s Care

Involving other family members in your child’s care can be a tremendous help. Siblings, in particular, can play a crucial role. They often interact with a special needs child without any preconceived notions or biases, stimulating their development through play, conversation, and shared activities (Unicef).

Seeking Guidance from Healthcare Providers

If you have any concerns about your child’s development or behavior, seek professional help. At AWC Behavioral Health, we understand that every child is unique and requires personalized care. Our team of dedicated professionals, including board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) and therapists, works closely with parents to ensure they have the support and guidance they need. We offer programs like parent training, where we empower families with the knowledge and strategies to support their loved ones effectively (AWC Behavioral Health).

In conclusion, creating a supportive environment for a special needs child involves providing a loving and understanding atmosphere, involving family members in the child’s care, and seeking professional guidance when needed. It’s a journey filled with challenges, but remember, the love, resilience, and strength you bring to your child’s life make a world of difference.

Practical Strategies for Everyday Challenges

When raising a special needs child, being armed with practical strategies can greatly ease everyday challenges. From managing sensory issues to using high-tech tools for reminders, let’s explore these strategies that can make a significant difference in your child’s day-to-day life.

Dealing with Sensory Issues: Clothing, Noise, and Transitions

Many special needs children experience sensory processing issues, making them sensitive to certain types of clothing, loud noises, and transitions. Adopting strategies to manage these issues can be a game-changer.

Clothing: Choose clothes that your child finds comfortable. As one parent shared, she involves her child in picking out pajamas and then buys several identical sets to avoid nighttime tantrums. Similarly, for children who find socks uncomfortable, wearing shoes like Uggs on bare feet during colder months can be a helpful solution.

Noise: Noise-canceling headphones can be a lifesaver for children who struggle with loud noises. They’re excellent for use in restaurants, movies, or any place that’s likely to get loud.

Transitions: Changes in routine can be challenging. At AWC Behavioral Health, we provide transition tolerance services that are designed to help individuals adapt and thrive in the face of change.

Managing Oral Input: Special Toothpaste and Chewy Fidgets

Some special needs children may have difficulty with oral input. Experiment with different brands of toothpaste until you find one that your child can tolerate. Chewy fidget toys can also provide a positive and soothing oral sensory experience.

Using Visual Scheduling and Organization Tools

Visual aids can be incredibly helpful for children with special needs. Color-coding binders, folders, and textbooks for each subject can make school organization easier. Furthermore, visual schedules can guide children through their daily routines, reducing anxiety and promoting independence.

Utilizing High-Tech Tools for Reminders and Breathing Exercises

Advancements in technology have provided us with tools that can aid in managing everyday challenges. For instance, devices like Alexa, paired with an Apple watch, can be set to offer reminders for daily tasks. The watch can also provide apps like breathing exercises to help calm your child during moments of stress.

Preparing Your Child for New Experiences to Reduce Anxiety

Familiarity can help soothe anxiety in special needs children. Social stories, which are simple, developmentally appropriate narratives, can be used to help your child understand new situations. Previewing new experiences through YouTube videos can also provide a sense of familiarity.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we understand the unique challenges faced by parents of special needs children and are here to provide support. Our services are designed to meet your child’s individual needs and help them thrive in their day-to-day life.

Accessing Resources and Advocating for Your Child

As parents, it’s crucial for us to be the best advocates for our children. This is especially true if you’re raising a child with special needs. Advocacy involves understanding your child’s needs, knowing your rights, and having the confidence to assert these rights. It’s an essential part of parenting a child with special needs.

Seeking Support and Resources for Emotional Stability

One of the most critical parenting tips for special needs child is seeking support and resources to foster emotional stability for both you and your child. It is an essential part of parenting a child with special needs. You are not alone! Over 14% of children in the United States have special needs, representing almost 11 million children.

Here at AWC Behavioral Health, we recognize the importance of emotional stability in fostering a nurturing environment for your child. We have a team of professionals who are dedicated to helping you succeed in your roles as a parent. By focusing on staying calm and reaching out for support, you can help your child thrive in an emotionally stable environment.

Utilizing Special Education Services

Special education services can be a valuable resource for your child. They are designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities. These services include individualized education programs, specialized instructions, and related services such as speech-language therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we provide personalized interventions that cater to your child’s unique needs. Our special education tutoring takes your child’s current curriculum and molds it to fit their special education needs.

Teaching Your Child to Advocate for Themselves

Empowering your child to advocate for themselves is a powerful tool. It boosts their confidence and helps them understand their rights. You can start by explaining their disability in simple terms and teach them how to express their needs.

In advocating for your child, it’s important to remember that every child is unique and not defined by their disability. At AWC Behavioral Health, we believe in the potential of every child and are committed to helping them thrive.

In conclusion, raising a child with special needs can be challenging, but with the right resources and support, you can navigate this journey successfully. You are not alone in this journey, and help is always available.

Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent

Raising a child with special needs is a rewarding yet challenging task. As parents or caregivers, you often find yourself putting your child’s needs before your own. While this is a natural instinct, it is crucial to remember that your well-being matters too. Here are some essential tips for taking care of yourself while also providing the best care for your child.

Prioritizing Self-Care: Therapy, Exercise, and Mindfulness

Your physical and mental health is just as important as your child’s. It’s vital to find time for self-care, as maintaining your well-being helps you provide better care for your child. As a caregiver, you might feel guilty about focusing on your needs, but these efforts directly benefit your child.

Self-care practices can vary from person to person. It could be therapy, exercise, mindfulness, or simply carving out time for activities you enjoy. At AWC Behavioral Health, we understand the importance of parental well-being and provide specialized parent training that includes self-care strategies.

Building a Co-parenting Alliance for Consistency and Support

In families with special needs children, the importance of a strong co-parenting alliance cannot be overstated. This alliance is a shared understanding and division of labor between parents to support their child and uphold their responsibilities to each other. Open communication and consistency in approach are key in this alliance.

Regular family meetings, both between parents and with the children, can help discuss plans and concerns, and display unity and cooperation. Maintaining your bond as a couple is also crucial. Even scheduling a periodic “date night” can help keep your relationship strong, which in turn helps maintain a stable family environment.

Accepting Help and Support from Others

Accepting help from others is not a sign of weakness, but a strength. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or a professional service like AWC Behavioral Health, external support can provide respite and reduce stress. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, and this is especially true when raising a child with special needs.

In conclusion, while the journey of raising a special needs child can be challenging, remember that you are not alone. Prioritize your well-being, maintain a strong co-parenting alliance, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. At AWC Behavioral Health, we’re here to help you navigate this journey and provide your child with the best care possible.

Parents taking care of themselves - parenting tips for special needs child


Raising a child with special needs presents unique challenges and rewards. Each child is unique and deserves personalized care that highlights their strengths while addressing their individual needs. Your journey may be difficult at times, but with the right strategies and support, it can also be deeply rewarding.

You are not alone in this journey. As you strive to provide the best possible care for your child, don’t forget the importance of taking care of yourself as well. Maintaining your emotional health and well-being is crucial not just for your sake, but for your child’s as well.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we understand the complexities you face and are committed to empowering families through our specialized parent training programs. Our team of dedicated professionals work closely with parents, providing them with the knowledge and strategies needed to support their loved ones effectively. We believe in fostering partnerships with the families we serve, ensuring that parents and caregivers are integral members of the support team.

In addition to our parent training services, we offer a variety of innovative therapy techniques. Our ABA therapy incorporates video modeling, social stories, and Natural Environment Training (NET) to provide a holistic and effective intervention. Our approach is customized to each child, ensuring they receive the support they need in a way that resonates with them.

When it comes to parenting a special needs child, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The journey may be challenging at times, but with love, patience, and the right support, your child can thrive.

At AWC Behavioral Health, we’re here to help every step of the way. Whether you’re looking for advice, therapy services, or just someone who understands what you’re going through, we’re here to support you.

To learn more about our services and how we can support your family, please contact us today.

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